Where are you now? Town, State, Country *
Deloraine, Tasmania
Occupation/s? Tell us what you have been doing
Currently semi-retired. Have been a computer programmer, factory worker, sawmill hand, farm hand.
What would you tell your 1977 self if you could send them a message now?
Dont take yourself too seriously. Life will throw many roadblocks in your way. Dont stress over them. Handle as best you can and keep moving.
What would you like to share about the last 40 years?
After high school I went to Hellyer College, then 1 year at uni in Hobart. Got into some serious trouble with the law and spent one year with my parents as a result. Then went to what is now the uni in Launceston, graduating with a science degree. While there I met Patsy Sturzaker, we fell in love and got married at the end of 1984. I still had one year to go to get my degree so Patsy did relief teaching and other work to support us.
Ruth, our first child, was born in April 1986. Stillborn.
Julie (Triffle) was great helping us cope with this traumatic event. She was one of Patsy's best friends but we now shared another bond of losing a child each.
Patsy and I both started umpiring cricket for the NTCA. She was again pregnant but that didn't stop her (nothing much ever did). Matthew was born in April 1987.
1990 saw our third child born, one day before Matthews' third birthday. Jessica became a cot death at 17 days. Words cant really express what we went through then. We questioned every belief we'd ever had, even to the point of turning our back on our Christian faith. That was later restored but we'd lost our trusting belief and questioned many things preached.
Our 4th child Anjuli came into the world in 1991. All 4 of our "full term" children were born by C-section, due to Patsy's type 1 diabetes. We also had at least 6 miscarriages.
We moved from Launceston to Westbury, then to Deloraine. Patsy's health began to deteriorate. She died in Feb 2002, leaving me with a 14 yo boy and a 10 yo girl. Despite the difficulties faced I am pleased to report that both are now productive young adults. Matthew is in Queensland while Anjuli is a mother of 3 wonderful children aged 8 years to 3 months.
Being semi retired I now have plenty of time on my hands - NOT. I'm renovating a house, chauffeur my grandchildren (and daughter) as required just to name a couple of things.
What are you proudest of about your life? What have been your greatest achievements?
Sometimes I amaze myself that I'm still happy and healthy.
Any regrets?
Plenty, but life is too short to dwell on them.
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