Thursday, 9 February 2017

Paul Banks - the last 40 years

Where are you now? Town, State, Country *
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Occupation/s? Tell us what you have been doing
Property Developer
What would you tell your 1977 self if you could send them a message now?
Take your time enjoy the ride!
What would you like to share about the last 40 years?
The last 40 years have consisted of family, friends, travel, sport and work. I am still actively involved in boating, I try and keep myself fit by swimming, jogging and sometimes bike riding. Family is very important and we spend at a lot time with our children. Surf life saving was a big part of my life from my early 20's being an active member of Carlton Park Surf Club, both patrolling, competing and being active in the administration of the club this and sailing have been my the most important and enjoyable pursuits outside of family. Travelling overseas has only played a part in our lives over the past 10 years we have been lucky enough to travel to Europe every couple of years. I initially started work after matriculation at the HEC in Hobart, then worked for major retailers Woolworths, Myer, Target and Coles. My last role was as the CEO for Villawood Properties before resigning to work for myself. In all this time we have moved house 7 times, each house we renovated to varying extents, we have moved from North Hobart in 1988 to Glen Iris in 2016.
What are you proudest of about your life? What have been your greatest achievements?
My greatest achievement is that I have been married for over 33 years to Jane ( a few stories to tell there), have 3 children, 2 daughters Charlotte & Esther, and a son George, one grandson Noah with another grandchild due anytime now. I have held some senior positions in the companies I have worked for, this does not rank as highly as being a parent. My greatest work achievement was being responsible for the sale and redevelopment of Myer Melbourne including a establishing new office building at 800 Collins street.
Any regrets?
Life is too short to have regrets!!!

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