Occupation/s? Tell us what you have been doing
Mental Health Social Worker
What would you tell your 1977 self if you could send them a message now?
Relax, be comfortable with yourself, learn, learn.
What would you like to share about the last 40 years?
I hated everything about high school! All I wanted was to get out. Consequently I was one of 'those girls' that got pregnant right at the end of grade 10. I married, my gorgeous boyfriend Henk Dykstra, and we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. During our short marriage, Henk developed Hodgkins Disease, we spent the majority of our time at the LGH doing chemo, blood transfusions and bone marrow. He lost his fight for life at 22, I was 19.
I remarried a couple of years later and moved to Launceston, had another two children, and sadly the marriage failed. I threw myself into rearing my three children, and contemplating what I'd do when I grew up! I decided I might go to Uni and do do social work!!!
OMFG, 😱😱 what an experience, and I hated every minute of that as well!! I was told, I wrote 'telegram style assignments', 🙄🙄 really! why prattle academia crap when I could say it in 150 words, using my working class language, instead of their required 2,000 words 😡😡 how dare they!! I persevered though, I learnt how to write academic papers, and improved my language skills. While I studied I worked as an aged carer, did night shifts and weekend work when the kids were with their dad.
And I made it, we all made it!! 😄😄 My children survived, I survived and I went on to gain my mental health accreditation through the Australian Social Work Association.
I'm now a Medicare health provider. I work as a resident counsellor in residential aged care, provide Employee Assistance Program Services across Tas for SES, Law Enforcement Officers, as well as train in Mental Health First Aide and Suicide Awareness and Prevention. I also do private work.
What are you proudest of about your life? What have been your greatest achievements?
Of course my 3 children and 5 grandchildren, which I'm very proud of. However being presented with BSW degree on graduation day from University, that was pretty spesh!!!
Any regrets?
Nope!! Every thing happens for a reason, and my experiences have made me the person I am today!!